Lowkey-Advanced Ridge Regression (Part II): Non-Zero Priors, Subset Shrinkage, Cluster Shrinkage

I Studied Regressions *Only* for 30 Days So You Don't Have To But You Have To Subscribe Part II

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Welcome back my Ridge-maximalist friends. Take pride in the fact that you are one of the fortunate ones that know the superiority of Ridge.

Last time we covered lowkey-advanced stuffs. We now know the exact condition where Ridge will dominate OLS, we learned that Ridge favours true dense coefficients, among many other things.

Lowkey-Advanced Ridge Regression (Part I)
I Studied Regressions *Only* for 30 Days So You Don’t Have To But You Have To Subscribe

The article before was actually quite theoretical, but somehow was well received by the practitioners (which is something I appreciate a lot of course). In this article we will learn that Ridge Regression is a very versatile tool, and there are many knobs to turn to model the effects that we want.

Specifically, we will learn how:

Incorporate non-zero priors in Ridge
Subset shrinkage in Ridge - featuring exclusive leaked DMs with @ryxcommar
Dealing with multiple clusters of features in Ridge

And bonus content:
How do you weight data points in your models? - featuring exclusive leaked DMs with @macrocephalopod

This post is for paying subscribers only

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